Are you just starting out on the internet and are not sure how to get started? All too often those who are new to internet business do not have a lot of money and are really not too sure what is the best way to get started finding traffic for free. In this article I will highlight what I think are the 3 best ways for a beginner to find that first source of visitors.
Article Marketing
This technique has been used for many years and continues to be popular as it still works very well. To get started doing this takes only a few minutes of your time. In your skill area, find some pain points that your potential customers are suffering and then write a short article giving a simple solution. The footer of your article links to your web site so readers can visit you for more information. Simply write 1 article a day and you will generate hundreds of visitors a year.
Free Report
Giving away a free report is one of more overlooked techniques by new marketers. Pick a few problems and then writing a 7-10 page report covering them can show readers your skills very effectively. This is your chance to show people you can give simple high quality advice on a range of issues and people will often visit your site to find out more. These reports can spread around the internet and create a great traffic source. Don't forget to include you web site links!
Blogging of course has become massively popular over the last few years. As with articles, a blog entry takes only a few minutes to write. Set yourself the task to write only once a day and you can build a good collection of posts. The key to success is to keep your writing light, easy to read and good quality
Hopefully these ideas will show you new marketing out there that you can begin your online business very easily and most importantly at no cost except your won time.
Are you just starting out in internet marketing and need to find traffic? Are you having problems with low traffic flow or would just like to find more traffic? Not sure how to make money now that you have traffic?
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